The Minister and Practical Ministry
Course Introduction
Lesson 1: The Role of a Pastor7 Topics|1 Quiz
Lesson 2: Preaching and Teaching to Bring Transformation11 Topics|1 Quiz
Overview and Student Guide
A Matter of the Heart
Building Bridges to the Gospel
Ask the Correct Questions of the Text
A Journey Through the Past, Present, and Future
Create a Outline
Discern the Work of the Holy Spirit
Answer the Question, "If I do this, what's in it for me?"
References and Resources
Overview and Student Guide
Lesson 3: The Congregational Worship Service10 Topics|1 Quiz
Lesson 4: A Pentecostal Theology and Practice of the Sacraments7 Topics|1 Quiz
Lesson 5: Serving Families in Times of Celebration and Crises7 Topics|1 Quiz
Lesson 6: The Pastor and Biblical Counseling8 Topics|1 Quiz
Lesson 7: Developing and Leading Small Group Ministry7 Topics|1 Quiz
Lesson 8: Essential Elements of Effective Youth and Children's Ministry7 Topics|1 Quiz
Course Evaluation Survey
Participants 1384
Frequently, our experiences open paths to the truths and values that shape our personality. It is through these experiences that we grasp an understanding for both the festive and hopeful side of reality. Families are formed according to the determination of what they celebrate and how they celebrate it. They have celebrations in order to create expectations of unity, share mutual expressions of love and joy, engage in religious experiences, and develop healthier families. We also know that families are exposed to critical times we call crises. Some crises happen because they are a part of life’s natural course; while others are not related to its vital cycle but are instead related to unforeseen circumstances. Either way, during these times families must face the challenge to modify their accustomed responses to recurring internal and external stress factors.
Times of celebration and crises within the family offer the church and the pastor the opportunity to provide effective ministry. They may often do this with a biblical and theological reflection that enhances these events. It is the goal of this lesson to equip participants with basic knowledge and needed tools that will enable them to effectively minister to their congregants and to the community during these times.